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with a better screen, a faster-clocked processor and some extras such as a fingerprint scanner and heart-rate monitor, you might assume the galaxy s6 is the better deal.ray ban clubmaster then, four years later, i saw top gun, threw the ray-bans away and started wearing aviators.Ray Ban Outlet moore, who’s collaborated with ray-ban, nike and coca-cola, and a beautiful hanging sculpture by sydney nike savvas alongside work from local artists including kyle hughes-odgers and alister yiap. bar's and restaurants and such may allow glass if they can visually confirm that the device isn't recording.” average cost: $190. the fingerprint scanner and heart-rate monitor are also still present, with the former working via touch rather than swipe. в тот раз российский лидер отметил, что решение территориального спора не должно ущемлять интересы сторон. ray ban quality reviews there’s the abstract, kaleidoscope-like mural by us graphic artist matt w.Ray Ban Sizes the fingerprint scanner and heart-rate monitor are also still present, with the former working via touch rather than swipe.  so if somebody wearing glass was sitting in a bar, not even recording anything with glass, just wearing it and minding their business, people would be concerned they're recording and trouble ensues. after all, why look at your wrist for live info whilejogging or cycling when you can have your pace, cadence and distance on-screenat all times? the majority of controversy surrounding google glass has been about people not wanting to be recorded. besides, my mother and her generation were big fans of american and european stars: sophia loren, audrey hepburn, and peter o’toole had been celebrities in partyheadliners peking duk whipped the crowd into a frenzy withtheir smash hit “take me over”, the lights faded out asa full uv light installation illuminated the entire heinekenbaseline – and the sophisticated bottle graphics of thenew heineken club bottle were revealed under the uv light.ray ban aviator polarizedRay Ban Clubmaster but, again, most people are unaware of this.

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nu pledez pentru violenta insa mi se pare  ciudat cum jandarmeria nu are curajul sa intervina impotriva unor protestatari, care duminica de duminica blocheaza carosabilul din buricul bucurestiului, dar e gata sa-i ia cu tot cu fulgi pe niste pungesteni care blocheaza un drum judetean plin ce-i drept cu utilajele corporatiei americane chevron. ray ban quality reviews “we couldn’t simply sell a navy blue two-button suit and expect men to come and buy it,” says bateman. a year after the accident, masoud’s fiancée permitted the doctors to pull out the tubes that were keeping him alive. intimate scenes, such as those in which men and women held hands, kissed, or — god forbid — lay in bed together, were censored. [ray ban quality reviews] “he would write personalized thank you letters to customers who referred others, discounts perhaps, and during world war ii, he gave away free eyewear.
